Trustworthy Factoring Companies are hard to find.

We did the research. Read on to see who sucks and who rocks.

Top Freight Factoring Services

RTS Financial*

RTS Financial*

These Guys 100% ROCK!

  • Loved by their customers
  • Same-Day Funding
  • Competitive Rates – No hidden fees!
  • Tons of reviews highlighting their nice and helpful customer service reps
  • Decent, hardworking people doing good work
E Capital

E Capital

We’re not super impressed by them

  • Fast Funding
  • Some of their reps are good people trying to do their best
  • Quite a few reviews complaining about unclear contracts
  • Users mentioned their system isn’t great; it freezes a lot and makes you restart
OTR Solutions

OTR Solutions

These guys are not bad

  • Only 12 reviews on Trustpilot; makes it hard to tell if they are good
  • Most people have good experiences with them (with a couple of exceptions here and there)
  • Non-Recourse options
  • Some people on their support team are very helpful (Regis, Angel, Norella, Danielle)


That’s a pretty embarrassing score TBH

  • Many reviews mentioned terrible Customer Service
  • Customers complained of a High Turnover of Account Reps
  • Unexpected Chargebacks were a common complaint
Triumph Business Capital

Triumph Business Capital

You have to make your customers pretty unhappy to get that score

  • Apparently, they used to be good but are getting worse
  • Communication isn’t good. It kind of feels like getting in touch with someone at the DMV
  • A ton of operators complain about getting locked into contracts


What can we say? A 1.5 pretty much means you suck!

  • Almost all reviews were one-star
  • Reviews paint an ugly picture
  • It looks like these guys have made customer’s lives very difficult
  • They have not bothered to reply to negative public reviews.

Our Approach to Rating Factoring Companies. Best to Worst

Owners and operators want to get paid quickly, with clear terms and low rates, while working with helpful, proactive humans who can solve problems ASAP.

Is that too much to ask? We don’t think so.

We know some of these factoring companies are some of the worst, least helpful people on the planet. We’re here to help you avoid them like the plague.

At FreightFactoringUSA, our ratings come exclusively from experienced customers leaving reviews on Trustpilot. 

Nothing subjective, real reviews from real customers. 

We know the challenges of trucking industry owners and operators. We did the research and built our ranking to make life easier for you.

Let’s get you some trucking cash flow that doesn’t come with a million headaches.

*Disclaimer: Our site may receive a commission when you factor with one of the services listed above. What did you expect? We gotta eat too. But that doesn’t mean we’re not being honest with you. Our mission is to connect you with factoring partners that will make your life easier.