Freight factoring lets truckers get paid quickly for their delivered loads instead of waiting on slow-paying customers. A factoring company advances most of the payment upfront for a small fee.

With recourse factoring, you're liable if the customer doesn't pay the factoring company. Non-recourse means the factoring company takes that risk instead of you. Non-recourse gives you more protection but has higher rates.

Take a look at our homepage. Avoid them like the plague. They will promise you heaven and make life a living hell.

The best ones pay lightning fast, have low transparent fees, offer fuel cards/discounts, and provide great client support. Great cashflow, no headaches.

Some companies offer great rates. And yeah, it's not free, but think about how mentally expensive it is to be short on cash wondering how you're going to make payroll or have enough working capital to keep your trucks on the road.

If you get good rates, and work with a good partner, definitely yes. You will improve your cash flow and operate smoothly. If you work with some of the terrible companies at the bottom of our list, they will make you wonder why you even got into business in the first place.

Top freight factoring companies can get you paid in as little as 24 hours after your proof of delivery. No more waiting weeks or months - just fast, dependable payments.

*Disclaimer: Our site may receive a commission when you factor with one of the services listed above. What did you expect? We gotta eat too. But that doesn’t mean we’re not being honest with you. Our mission is to connect you with factoring partners that will make your life easier.